Exotic pet insurance plans
Our wide range of exotic pet insurance is for everyone.
We offer choice, flexibility, and a range of optional extras.
We have a range of exotic cover levels to suit
Claimable period
12 months
We will provide cover for each injury and illness for 12 months, starting from the date the injury happened or the clinical signs of the illness were first noticed -
Veterinary fees
Cover for the cost of veterinary treatment your pet has received during the policy year to treat injury and illness.
Up to £5,000
for 12 months from when the injury or illness started or until you reach your limit
Alternative or complementary treatment
Cover for the cost of any examination, consultation advice, test and legally prescribed medication or acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, osteopathy when carried out for your pet during the policy year, to treat injury and illness.
Up to £500
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Saying goodbye
Cover for the cost of veterinary consultations/visits or prescribed medications needed to carry out the procedure of putting your pet to sleep and cremation or burial or disposal costs if your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet.
Up to £100
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Advertising and reward
Cover for the cost of advertising, and the reward you have offered and paid to get your pet back, if your pet is stolen or goes missing during the policy year.
Up to £150 per yearReward
Up to £150 per year -
Third party liability
Cover for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses, and legal costs and expenses for defending a claim against you if property is damaged, or someone is killed, injured or falls ill as a result of an incident involving your exotic pet during the policy year and you are legally responsible.
Up to £1,000,000 per incident
Death from injury or illness
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it either dies or has to be put to sleep by a Vet from an injury caused by an accident or illness.
Purchase price of your pet
Loss from theft, fire or weather perils
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it is stolen due to forcible or violent entry; dies or is proven missing as a result of fire, wind, storm, lightning or flood and is not recovered or does not return.
Purchase price of your pet
Claimable period
12 months
We will provide cover for each injury and illness for 12 months, starting from the date the injury happened or the clinical signs of the illness were first noticed -
Veterinary fees
Cover for the cost of veterinary treatment your pet has received during the policy year to treat injury and illness.
Up to £3,000
for 12 months from when the injury or illness started or until you reach your limit
Alternative or complementary treatment
Cover for the cost of any examination, consultation advice, test and legally prescribed medication or acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, osteopathy when carried out for your pet during the policy year, to treat injury and illness.
Up to £400
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Saying goodbye
Cover for the cost of veterinary consultations/visits or prescribed medications needed to carry out the procedure of putting your pet to sleep and cremation or burial or disposal costs if your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet.
Up to £100
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Advertising and reward
Cover for the cost of advertising, and the reward you have offered and paid to get your pet back, if your pet is stolen or goes missing during the policy year.
Up to £100 per yearReward
Up to £100 per year -
Third party liability
Cover for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses, and legal costs and expenses for defending a claim against you if property is damaged, or someone is killed, injured or falls ill as a result of an incident involving your exotic pet during the policy year and you are legally responsible.
Up to £1,000,000 per incident
Death from injury or illness
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it either dies or has to be put to sleep by a Vet from an injury caused by an accident or illness.
Purchase price of your pet
Loss from theft, fire or weather perils
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it is stolen due to forcible or violent entry; dies or is proven missing as a result of fire, wind, storm, lightning or flood and is not recovered or does not return.
Purchase price of your pet
Claimable period
12 months
We will provide cover for each injury and illness for 12 months, starting from the date the injury happened or the clinical signs of the illness were first noticed -
Veterinary fees
Cover for the cost of veterinary treatment your pet has received during the policy year to treat injury and illness.
Up to £1,000
for 12 months from when the injury or illness started or until you reach your limit
Alternative or complementary treatment
Cover for the cost of any examination, consultation advice, test and legally prescribed medication or acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, osteopathy when carried out for your pet during the policy year, to treat injury and illness.
Up to £300
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Saying goodbye
Cover for the cost of veterinary consultations/visits or prescribed medications needed to carry out the procedure of putting your pet to sleep and cremation or burial or disposal costs if your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet.
Up to £100
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Advertising and reward
Cover for the cost of advertising, and the reward you have offered and paid to get your pet back, if your pet is stolen or goes missing during the policy year.
Up to £50 per yearReward
Up to £50 per year -
Third party liability
Cover for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses, and legal costs and expenses for defending a claim against you if property is damaged, or someone is killed, injured or falls ill as a result of an incident involving your exotic pet during the policy year and you are legally responsible.
Up to £1,000,000 per incident
Death from injury or illness
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it either dies or has to be put to sleep by a Vet from an injury caused by an accident or illness.
Purchase price of your pet
Loss from theft, fire or weather perils
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it is stolen due to forcible or violent entry; dies or is proven missing as a result of fire, wind, storm, lightning or flood and is not recovered or does not return.
Purchase price of your pet
We have a range of exotic cover levels to suit
Claimable period
12 months
We will provide cover for each injury and illness for 12 months, starting from the date the injury happened or the clinical signs of the illness were first noticed
12 months
We will provide cover for each injury and illness for 12 months, starting from the date the injury happened or the clinical signs of the illness were first noticed
12 months
We will provide cover for each injury and illness for 12 months, starting from the date the injury happened or the clinical signs of the illness were first noticed
Veterinary fees
Cover for the cost of veterinary treatment your pet has received during the policy year to treat injury and illness.
Up to £5,000
for 12 months from when the injury or illness started or until you reach your limit
Up to £3,000
for 12 months from when the injury or illness started or until you reach your limit
Up to £1,000
for 12 months from when the injury or illness started or until you reach your limit
Alternative or complementary treatment
Cover for the cost of any examination, consultation advice, test and legally prescribed medication or acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, osteopathy when carried out for your pet during the policy year, to treat injury and illness.
Up to £500
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Up to £400
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Up to £300
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Saying goodbye
Cover for the cost of veterinary consultations/visits or prescribed medications needed to carry out the procedure of putting your pet to sleep and cremation or burial or disposal costs if your pet dies or is put to sleep by a vet.
Up to £100
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Up to £100
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Up to £100
(within veterinary fee limit)
for each injury or illness for 12 months
Advertising and reward
Cover for the cost of advertising, and the reward you have offered and paid to get your pet back, if your pet is stolen or goes missing during the policy year.
Up to £150 per year
Up to £150 per year
Up to £100 per year
Up to £100 per year
Up to £50 per year
Up to £50 per year
Third party liability
Cover for compensation and claimant’s costs and expenses, and legal costs and expenses for defending a claim against you if property is damaged, or someone is killed, injured or falls ill as a result of an incident involving your exotic pet during the policy year and you are legally responsible.
Up to £1,000,000 per incident
Up to £1,000,000 per incident
Up to £1,000,000 per incident
Death from injury or illness
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it either dies or has to be put to sleep by a Vet from an injury caused by an accident or illness.
Purchase price of your pet
Purchase price of your pet
Purchase price of your pet
Loss from theft, fire or weather perils
Cover for the price you paid for your pet if it is stolen due to forcible or violent entry; dies or is proven missing as a result of fire, wind, storm, lightning or flood and is not recovered or does not return.
Purchase price of your pet
Purchase price of your pet
Purchase price of your pet
Exotic insurance policy information
View the exotic insurance PW (Policy Wording) and IPID (Insurance Product Information Document) for full terms and conditions. For more information, please see our FAQs.
Get an exotic quote today
We’ve designed our policies to cover the unexpected and give you and your exotic pet peace of mind. Get a quote and see if you could save.