How to spot and prevent heatstroke in reptiles

How to spot and prevent heatstroke in reptiles

Heat stroke, also known as hyperthermia or heat exhaustion is one of the biggest killers in the summer amongst pets. However, heatstroke is avoidable!

Signs of heat stroke

  • Heavy panting/rapid breathing
  • Shakiness/staggering
  • Disorientation
  • Refusing food
  • Inability to perch
  • Wobbly/unbalanced
  • Lack of or decreased droppings
  • Loss of consciousness

If your reptile is showing any of these symptoms get them to a cooler location immediately (DO NOT rapidly cool them down as this can cause them to go into shock) and get to your vet as soon as possible.

How to prevent heatstroke

  • While reptiles can tolerate higher temperatures, they should be well ventilated and have access to clean and fresh water
  • Keep their terrarium away from direct sunlight, and out of the warmest part of your home
  • Use a thermometer inside their terrarium to check temperatures (check out our article on vivarium’s for bearded dragons here)
  • Monitor the humidity levels with a hygrometer
  • If your pet likes to spend time outdoors, make sure it always has access to shade
  • Also note that if your pet has spent a lot of time outdoors in hot weather, you will need to reduce the temperature in its terrarium to stop them from overheating.

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