Spring Hazards For Pets

Spring Hazards For Pets

Spring has sprung!

Spring symbolises the end of the harsh winter weather, bringing warmer and brighter days. Although this is welcomed by many of us, there are some potential hazards that spring brings, which can be harmful for your pet.

Here are some of the key spring hazards to be aware of, so you can keep your pet as safe as possible this season.

Plants and Flowers

A true sign of spring is the colourful array of flowers that have bloomed; daffodils for example, are associated with spring. Daffodils, along with many flowers such as Tulips and Bluebells can be highly toxic to dogs and cats if eaten. If you’re thinking of adding some new additions to your garden, be sure to research if they’re safe for pets before planting. Try to stay alert whilst out and about with your pet; you wouldn’t want them to mistake toxic flowers for a tasty snack!

Insect Bites and Stings

Warmer weather and fresh flowers attract insects who need to feed. This can lead to more instances of bee stings, tick bites, and heartworm which is transferred through mosquito bites. It’s best to frequently check your pet’s coat for any signs of bites and stings. You should also enquire with your veterinarian about any preventative medication.

Spring Cleaning

Believe it or not, a spring clean can potentially cause harm to your pet. The increased use of cleaning products during this time of year can make your pet extremely unwell or even be fatal if ingested. Make sure to keep your windows open to allow a fresh supply of air whilst cleaning or aim to do this when your pet isn’t indoors. Additionally, be vigilant for any potential spillages of products and clean them up straight away; make sure your cleaning products are stored out of your pet’s reach.

Snake Bites

As snakes emerge from winter hibernation, they’re more likely to attack any pet that becomes too friendly! Please be cautious when walking in woodland areas during springtime; some snakes such as adders can be found in sandy locations.

Insecticides/Pesticides, and Weed Killer

Insecticides/ pesticides and weed killer are frequently used during spring. Some of which can contain highly poisonous ingredients, making your pets susceptible to illness, or death. Be sure to try and find pet-safe alternatives.

Seasonal Allergies

Some pets can suffer from seasonal allergies, and this is nothing to sneeze at! Types of grass, pollens, and plants can cause allergic reactions, ranging from mild to severe. Typical signs are itchy skin, ears, watery eyes, and a runny nose. It’s important to be aware of such allergies, so you can discuss the best ways of preventing reactions in your pets.

Unfortunately, the list doesn’t end here as there are other hazards to be aware of. It’s worth taking some time to familiarise yourselves with them, and to contact your veterinarian if you’re unsure of what might be a danger to your pet.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable spring with your pets!

The Petcover Group team